Timber Export

Democratic Republic of Congo/Zambia/Tanzaniay

Royal Import Export Sarl Timber is the result of 30 years of experience gained by its members in different parts of the African continent. By itself, the company puts together the complete know-how of the forest industry. Royal Import Export Sarl Timber hold a concession for two areas located in the North-Eastern part of Congo Republic, that together add up to 125.000 hectares of forest floor. The company has a typically industrial nature that, along with a specific entrepreneurial philosophy, led to a deep transformation over a short period of time. Royal Import Export Sarl Timber hold as necessary to develop an African industry, crucial for a sustainable environment exploitation. For economic, social and strategic reasons, this policy is the company’s first objective. We love what we do. Most of all, we believe Africa is the future. Since the beginning this idea encouraged us to modernize the whole lumber production, which is presently 50.000 m3 worthy every year in the Betou manufacturing location. produced 23,000 ounces of gold in 2013 at all-in sustaining costs of $1,138 per ounce Nam pretium eros etique. id placerat augue ultricies.

Our Structures in figures:

3 sawing lines with 4500 m3/month production capacity • 2000 m3/month drying capacity • A wide selection of finished and semi-finished products which range from panels to 3-layers, from S4S planks to decking, adding up to 600 m3 every month .

We hold two UFA (unités forestières d'aménagement), Betou e Missa, that total to 125.000 hectares. Located in North-Eastern Congo Republic, both concessions are "under management plan", in according with the company ethic.

- Logs: By precise company choice, we solely exports the best quality logs, for a qualitative positioning in a ever more demanding market.

- AD/KD lumber:As it is our policy, we transform more than 95% of forest outcome in-site, avoiding export logs incineration and obtaining higher-than-average quality lumber.

A set of modern drying stores allows effective and safe drying operation. Besides, innovative and ever precious wood cores are the result of continuous research and constant area monitoring carried out by our experts.

- WOOD CORES: Acajou, Aniegre, Badi, Doussie, Ebano, Iroko, Kossipo, Mukulungu, Sipo, Tali, Tiama

Timber Social Responsibility

ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization) is the world inter-government organization that promotes a sustainable development of forest exploitation in tropical areas. ITTO’s government body is the International Lumber Council, which comprises all organization’s members and meets twice a year to develop forest policies and standards. Since the beginning, we have been heeding ITTO’s guidelines and standards. To increase their commitment, the company undertake further efforts towards the local populations, often suffering from social and medical discomforts due to poor nutrition.

Timber Certifications

Certifications are a tool able to promote and spread the awareness of eco-sustainable forest management practices. It ensures our customers of the respect paid to those specific norms set on products’ origin and quality, as well as on the production system. We are presently witnessing a change in consuming practices and an ever stronger international pressure intent on preserving our planet’s natural resources. What certifications aim to, then, is offering our customers reliable information on products’ origin, so that they can buy a quality product achieved while fully respecting the environment and our workers’ right. For their part, enhancing their production activities, producers profit by a better organization, better working conditions, more efficient communications but especially a perpetual economic activity. Certifications constitute therefore a link between customers and producers, and a long-term common process that will benefit everybody

Timber Sustainable Management Plan

With plan d'amenagement of an area is meant the whole scientific and specific documentation that can be used to put into action an eco-sustainable forest exploitation. This means a tool that takes account of all those sensitive aspects involved in the industrial exploitation of a tropical forest. Initially, to gain some basic knowledge of the area into exam, concession grounds undergo a satellite reconnaissance. Data are processed and relied on to outline a grid of “layons”, back straights that serve as first “roads” for the land crews that make an inventory of all plants wider than 10cm and of those products that can be of interest to sustain local populations. Speaking figures, this operation covers 1% of the total area. More in-depth research and independent technical and social surveys are carried out before drawing up the sustainable management plan. This document holds every information on the forest ground and, on the basis of further comparisons and dialogues, rules the forest production of the company and their general economical and social activities for 30 years to come.

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